Hi, I am Bohdan, Web developer

Python engineer. Private entrepreneur. Graduated at Lutsk National Technical university

Knowledge and skills

Languages, libs & frameworks

  • Python, Django, Django-channels, Django Rest Framework, Django-tenants, Flask, Spacy, BeautifulSoup
  • C++, Qt
  • JavaScript, JQuery
  • C#, ASP.NET(base)

Familiar with databases

  • Postgresql
  • MySQL
  • MongoDB
  • Redis

Web UserInterface

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • BootStrap

Web technologies

  • AJAX
  • E-commerce web development
  • SAAS
  • OAuth 2.0
  • JWT
  • nginx(base)

App containerization

  • Docker
  • Docker Compose

CI/CD & tasks management

  • Jenkins
  • Github Actions
  • Celery
  • cron

Software testing

  • Unit testing
  • E2E testing with Selenium
  • Load testing with Locust
  • API testing with Postman

Worked with APIs

  • Shopify Admin API
  • Amazon MWS API
  • Stripe API
  • DataForSEO API
  • Telegram Bot API
  • Telegram Payments API

Worked with Cloud services

  • AWS S3
  • AWS EC2
  • AWS SecretsManager
  • AWS CloudWatch
  • AWS Route53
  • DigitalOcean
  • Heroku

General Knowledge

  • Linux
  • Git
  • Github
  • Bitbucket

Field of interest

Complex web solutions with multiple integrations development

E-commerce development and business logic engineering

Bots and web admin APIs development

Some of my projects

SEO featuring, freelancers & authors targeted platform

I was working with Spacy to create text-analyzing tool that was used to provide text readability indicators, keywords extraction and multiple other article indexes. I have used Spacy, web scraping and some external APIs to build dashboards that would show SEO statistics for different keywords, such as position in search result, number of clicks on url that represented that keyword etc. This was intended to determine trends and provide ways to do the website optimizations for search engines.

Kindergartens, parents and educators targeted platform

I was developing the platform that provides the following for:

  • Kindergartens - to manage their organizations in digital way. Platform allows to hire educators, communicate with parents, manage kids' schedule and so on.
  • Parents - to easily choose the proper kindergarten for their kid, communicate with other parents and educators using the platform chat, discover kindergarten's publications and their kid's life.
  • Educators - to choose the best kindergarten to work with and manage their group without any paper hassle.

Mostly my work consisted of creating the architecture on AWS, developing chat and API.

Project management of Dropshipping platform

I have been delegated a role of Project Manager on B2B Django multi-tenant project involving integrations with Amazon FBA, Shopify, Stripe and Wise, as a full stack developer. Personally, I managed a team of 5 people, distributed workload and tasks, reviewed PRs, designed project architecture and codebase architecture as well as developed parts of project myself. The main caveats were managing throttling and connection of integrations as well as treating them independently of each other.

Telegram bots

I have experience in creating telegram bots with interactive workflows as well as building admin web interface for them. Also, I have used Telegram Bot API and Telegram Payments API to setup a store.

Desktop apps I have created as part of my hobby


This is a simple desktop app based on Qt C++ Framework that can help you to track your time. The app supports saving and loading your tasks from file, reviewing your previous tasks and modifying them.


This is a desktop file manager I built as one of my university projects based on Qt C++ Framework. The app provides you multiple tabs support, double widgets with list view of your filesystem and more other stuff file manager should be able to do.

Contact me